Thriller Research

Some research on famous thriller books and films and what made them so popular:

The best 5 thriller movies that have the highest rating on imdb

  • The Sixth Sense
  • The Dark Knight Rises
  • Inception
  • Psycho
  • The Departed

people like thriller based films because they like the tension that bulids up and makes you question different things that are happening and can also make your heart beat faster, another hings that appeals to people is the fact you can experience danger without actually being in danger. Other people  watch it because you get attached to the characters more than you would in like a comedy film and also the story line can be complex so its hard to guess what is going to happen next so it keeps you guessing to what is going to happen next.




Josef Wimmer. (2015). Why do people like watching thrillers?. Available: Last accessed 10/06/19


Genre Target Audience

Because i am trying to base my comic book/ story on a thriller i have looked at the target audience for thrillers to see who is most likely going to look at my comic book

Majority of thriller films are based at young adults because they find the plots intriguing and like the suspense and mystery of them. Thriller films normally have a 15 certificate rating due to the fact that they are violent and frightening. Thrillers also appeal to both genders. they appeal to males because they’re interested in the action side and likes to see something that gets their hearts beating. females are usually  attracted to thrillers because they like something that makes them think and question whats going to happen next


Week 2 Review

In week 2 I started to have a look at target audiences on comic books to see what i need to base mine around and just help me out and also i had a look at the target audience for the genre thriller and like dark themed books and films to gauge it against mine because mine is going to be a thriller/dark

Week 11 Review

In week 11 i started to put my final project together and to do this i went to a shop in red hill to buy all the supplies i needed to put it together, was a bit stressful getting all the things because they did not have the original thing i wanted to do so i had to go with something else and ended up sticking two boards together then pining the pictures together as like a story board

week 10 Review

in this week i spend most of the time looking at how to produce a comic book and came up with different ideas that i could maybe do and then write what i like about each idea and then things i do not like as much, and giving my personal opinion on each of them which ones that i might find easy to do and which were not so easy and money wise which would be the cheapest and then the most expensive

Week 9 Review

in week 9 i spent majority of my time editing my pictures and putting them in the correct order of the story i wanted with added text to majority of the pictures. i started editing them in two different ways to see which way i would prefer:

Then i made a step by step post of how i edited my pictures and how they came out after i had finished

Week 8 Review

In this week i went on my second shoot which was good as got all the pictures i needed to continue my story line, and then came back uploaded all of them onto the computer and my wordpress page, also wrote about the best 5 from the shoot and why they were the best in my opinion and the worst 5 and why they were the worst.

I also looked back at the photos and had to decide which ones to use in my story line



Week 4 review

in week 4 i started to look at locations i would use in my story and came up with a list of places i could use and different reasons why i could use them and why some would be better or worse then other ones.

Along side that i started looking at different editing videos i could use for my project to see which one would better me of and help more, and also which one was the easiest for when i actually start editing my pictures.